Compass 70 Development

Bonner Springs, KS

RIC was hired by Scannell Properties to design a sanitary sewer collection system, lift station and force main to serve the 150-acre Compass 70 Business Park in Bonner Springs, KS. RIC worked with Scannell Properties and the City of Edwardsville to develop the design for the collection system and lift station. The project included approximately 1625 L.F. of 8” gravity main, 1016 L.F. of 4” force main and a lift station. The lift station was designed in conjunction with the City of Edwardsville design criteria and technical specifications, and input from the City’s on-call engineering consultants. The station was designed for a peak flow of 225 gallons per minute (GPM) for the proposed industrial park.

The lift station included submersible pumps in the wet well, valve and meter vault structures, control panel, electric meter, backup generator and a Primex Remote Operating System. The design process of the project included development of land disturbance plans and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). RIC also completed applications to KDHE for the project and obtained a Notice of Intent for Construction Activities and a Sanitary Sewer Main Extension permit. Project design started in Fall of 2021. Construction of the project began in Summer of 2022 and is expected to be completed in Summer 2024.
