RIC is providing civil engineering, consulting, and surveying services to improve Church Street from K‑10 to 14th Street. Our team initially prepared a traffic study and conceptual design for the widening of the arterial roadway from a 2‑lane section to a 3‑lane section in support of a neighboring development. Now under design, RIC is providing roadway design, utility coordination, traffic signal design, signing, pavement markings, construction phasing, and traffic control. In addition, RIC is coordinating with the numerous property owners along the route.
Base repairs and a mill and overlay will occur on the existing street and new asphalt will be laid for the widening of the street. RIC is providing permitting as well, including a SWPPP and an NOI submittal to the KDHE. Our team also assisted the City in applying for funding from the KDOT 2020 Cost Share Program and is coordinating with KDOT for the improvements.